The Christamore House provides the very best child and youth educational services, senior programming and life skills training to the residents of Haughville and the Near-Westside.
The Christamore House, through education, partnerships and accountability empowers the people of Haughville and the near Westside to be self-sufficient and contributing members to a safe and healthy community.
What People Are Saying…
“ The Christamore House is the place you would want to send your children to.”
— Reviewer
Christamore House - Videos
By teaching skills and fostering self-reliance, we help individuals gain the confidence TO HELP THEMSELVES by taking control of their lives and their community.
Give Back:
We remind those who succeed in their obligation TO DONATE by supporting and mentoring others who need encouragement and assistance.
TO EMBRACE EDUCATION by bringing preschoolers, youth, teens, adults and seniors together to achieve academic excellence.
Showing people that they alone have the duty and the power to generate positive changes TO STOP CRIME and strengthen themselves and the community.
Community Pride:
The respect we demonstrate by working TO BE A GOOD CITIZEN AND GOOD NEIGHBOR to those we serve is echoed in the way they treat others, creating a cornerstone for a proud community.
We will seek TO PARTNER WITH OTHERS to provide additional resources, services and offerings to enhance our Mission.
Through transparency, clear communication and integrity, we will STEP UP OUR GAME by demonstrating our confidence in each other to accomplish our goals.